可视化(Visualization)是一用图形化来表现数据集的技术。当数据非常复杂或是抽象的时候, 可视化技术可以让人们更加容易理解. 目前一些已经创造出来的可视化工具几乎涵盖了各个方面,包括搜索,音乐,网络,在线社区和更多你能想象得到的。你是否也希望有一些桌面应用程序或是基于Web的工具,可以让你直观的查阅数据.这里是一些最好的可视化工具:
Last.Forward: 感谢 Last.fm的 新创造的这些widget , 现在你拥有多种选择来扩展你的Last.fm使用体验. 这些widgets能够运用于桌面, Web , 社会化网络以及更多,其中最棒的一个是 last.forward, 它是一个开源软件,可以让你把通过一张导图映身出last.fm用户和他们之间的联系, 该Widget 似乎是由德国人开发出来的, 但是”下载按钮“仍然可以正常工作.
Friends Sociomap: Friends Sociomap 是另一个Last.fm工具可以在地图上映射你和你的朋友之前的联系。
Fidg’t: Fidg’t 是 一个桌面应用程序,可以让你以自己的方式和网络习惯来进行浏览体验。你可以看到有什么人正在听什么音乐,看什么照片甚至是在服务什么药物。它的界面设计的相当精致。
- Pics: Digg Pics是一个最新的工具,可以让你跟踪网站上面的图片,看看哪些人提交了图片或是给图片投票。
- Arc: Digg Arc 显示文章,话题,以及更多。
- BigSpy: Digg BigSpy在屏幕上方显示最受欢迎和投票最多的文章。
- Stack: Digg Stack实时显示Digg信息在屏幕上言. 最热门的Digg文章将可以设置为高亮显示。
- Swarm
One more: Digg Radar. 这是一个非官方的Digg可视化工具, Digg 读者都值得试用一下. 使用Digg Radar, 你可以在地图上看到谁正在Dugg一篇文章,鼠标悬浮则可以看到他的用户名.点击则可以进入该文章的Digg页面查看细节。
- Liveplasma 和 Musicovery让你发现新的音乐。
- Tuneglue 音乐地图是一个”关联浏览器”, 类似LivePlasma。调用Amazon和Last.fm的音乐数据。
- Moody 让你用颜色对你收集的音乐进行标签添加. 他们还有一个color-coded 网页播文稿器 。
- The Echo Nest 是一个MP3音频分析工具, 它可以把一首音乐进行高度解析,然后给你频率,声调和其它一些该音频的详细信息。 你还可以创建一个视频回播 。
- 一个 互动模式音乐工具。
- Musiclens
- Shape Of Song:
- Musicmap:
- Last Graph: 从你的音乐历史中创建艺术家的波形平面,并输出为 PDF 和 SVG 格式。
- Extra Stats: 丰富多彩的统计和标签云。
- Opte 是一项强大的工程,让你生动直观的进行地图上网。这个工具可以有很多用途:比如互联网问题,分析问题,浪费IP地址空间, IP地址空间分布,探测自然灾害,天气,战争,美学/艺术等等。
- Internet Traffic Report.
- MantaRay
- Packet Garden
- Mapnet
- Websites as graphs.

- LivePlasma: 亚马逊的可视化工具,上面已经介绍过
- Flowser 另一个基于Flash的Amazon可视化搜索
- BrowseGoods
- Tuneglue
- Coverpop
- Amaztype
- Taglines 可视化的Flickr标签工具
- Flickrvision: 在地图上实时查看flickr照片
- Flickrtime
- Visual Thesaurus: 这个 Visual Thesaurus #p#page_title#e#让你在地图上面创建单词并生成相关的单词映射网络
- Twittervision: 实时浏览Tweet信息
- 17 个Twitter可视化工具
- 所有的del.icio.us 可视化工具在 这里.
- Three Views
- We Feel Fine
- Interactive History Timeline
- Winning Lotto Numbers
- Language Poster

- Informationarchitects.jp
- VisualComplexity.com
- Infosthetics
- Blogger Anonymous Professor is into visualization, offering visualizations like the 3D visualization/tour of classical music/composers, Visualization of the StumbleUpon network, the value of a Digg and more.
- Zip Codes
原文: The Best Tools for Visualization
Heatmaps site CrazyEgg applies heatmaps to tracking what visitors do on a user’s website. Their software captures user clicks on each page and then presents a summary in the form of a heatmap. Other heatmap sites include Feng-GUI and FuseStats. Summize applies heatmaps to shopping via their search engine(our coverage here, here and here).
Visualizing the Power Struggle in Wikipedia displays the most popular articles and the most frequent search queries in the heatmap.
- Riya’s Like.com: first true visual search engine does visual search for shopping.
- Searchme: upcoming visual search for the web
- Xcavator: A photo search engine which utilizes visual clues that you provide to identify and extract similar pictures from large groups of digital images.
- ManagedQ: A visual search experiment with some built-in semantics. (our coverage)
- oSkope: Visual search engine for finding products that searches Amazon, Ebay, Flickr, Fotolia, Yahoo!Image Search and YouTube.
- Quintura: visual search engine that uses clouds, tags, and highlighting.
- Tafiti: Microsoft’s experimental visual search engine running on Silverlight.
- Retrievr is an experimental service which lets you search and explore in a selection of Flickr images by drawing a rough sketch.
- Mooter: Visual search engine that organizes results In clusters.
- KartOO: visual web searc.
- SearchCrystal is a search visualization tool that let you compare, remix and share results from sources on the web, whether sites, images, videos, blogs, news engines or RSS feeds. (see also KoolTorch)
- Spacetime: search Google, YouTube, RSS, eBay, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr and images all in one 3D space.
- grokker: web search or enterprise search offering map views of data.
- Burst Labs suggests similar or connected items to your search queries in a bubble
- UBrowser renders interactive web pages onto geometry using OpenGL and an embedded instance of Gecko
- walk2web – enter a URL, then visually browse web sites linked from it
- TouchGraph’s Amazon Browser, Google Browser, and LiveJournal Browser
- Voyage is an RSS-feader which displays the latest news in the “gravity area”. News can be zoomed in and out. The navigation is possible with a timeline
- Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the #p#page_title#e#Google News news aggregator.
- Universe DayLife displays events, connections and news as circles which gravitate around the topic they are related to.
- Swivel create pie charts, diagrams and histograms.
- Xtimeline and Circavie let you create your own timelines
- The prefuse visualization toolkit – thebeta-version of a Java-based toolkit for programming of applications with integrated data visualization methods
- Dataesthetics Eric Blue on unusual Data Visualization methods.
- Smashing Magazine’s Diagram tool list
- America by the Numbers (Time.com)